Ph.D. Assistantship in Forests and Global Change
Virginia Tech
Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation

We are recruiting a motivated student for a new Ph.D. assistantship available 
to study the influence of global change on forest ecosystems. The project 
objective is to 
predict future forest dynamics and carbon cycling by integrating observations 
of forests (e.g., diameter measurements, remote sensing, drought experiments, 
nutrient addition experiments, etc.) from diverse data sources into ecosystem 
models. The Ph.D. research will involve the development of model-data fusion 
ecosystem modeling techniques, with opportunities to participate in field 
research at a new flux tower research site ( Students 
encouraged to apply to be a fellow in Virginia Tech’s Interfaces of Global 
Change graduate program ( or Remote Sensing graduate 
(, depending on their interests. We are especially 
interested in recruiting students with previous ecological and computational 

Applicants must have an undergraduate degree in either ecology, environmental 
science, forestry, statistics or closely related field; M.S. graduates are 
Previous experience with computer programing is required, with previous 
experience in forest ecosystems desired.

Please send statements of interest (including previous research experiences and 
career goals), C.V., copies of transcripts and GRE scores, and contact 
for at least three references to:

Dr. R. Quinn Thomas
Assistant Professor
Virginia Tech
Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation

Research group website:
Department website:
Twitter: @ForestClimateVT

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