Those academics! You are too optimistic, years, decades for responses to emails? Voicemail responses only come from the grave.

Donald R. Strong
Department of Evolution and Ecology
The Bodega Marine Laboratory,
University of California, Davis,
Davis CA
530 752 7886

On 8/22/16 8:48 AM, Aaron T. Dossey wrote:
Responsiveness is also a vague concept.

I have found that it often takes months, sometimes years, to get email or voicemail responses from academics. If a professor takes 6 months to respond to an email, does that mean they shouldn't be listed as an author on publications?

On 8/22/2016 10:21 AM, David Schneider wrote:
Hello all,
The ESA criteria are essentially the same as the
'Vancouover protocol' by the International
Council of Medical Journal Editors.


In the case at hand, if a person cannot be located, they cannot take responsibility.
And so cannot be listed as coauthor under the ESA and ICMJE criteria.

A note in the acknowledgements as to contribution, would be appropriate.

Yours in ethical publishing,
David S

On 2016-08-22 11:55, Cliff Duke wrote:
The Ecological Society of America. See

-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron T. Dossey []
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2016 10:22 AM
Cc: Dr. Aaron T. Dossey <>;
Subject: Re: [ECOLOG-L] Query on authorship

Is that Entomological Society or Ecological Society?

* A code written of, for and by professors I am sure nonetheless.

On 8/22/2016 8:15 AM, Cliff Duke wrote:
Concerning the recent "query on authorship," there is no ethical ambiguity. The ESA Code of Ethics is quite clear on that point:

"Researchers will not add or delete authors from a manuscript submitted for publication without consent of those authors. Researchers will not include as coauthor(s) any individual who has not agreed to the content of the final version of the manuscript."

If you can't locate the person who contributed, that person can consent to the manuscript. Just note their contribution in the acknowledgements section of the paper.

ATD of ATB and ISI

ATD of ATB and ISI

Donald R. Strong
Editor in Chief,
530 752 7886

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