Hi! I have received excellent responses and I have been encouraged to go for
"escrowing the source". That's infact a great relief. Thanks a lot.

Chris, can you please ellaborate on

><snip>but the cash offered by Behemoth Inc. when they
>buy you up isn't reduced
>by the apparent compromising of your software assets.

and also,

>You should be
>careful to retain full Intellectual Property Rights to >the software.

Also, is there an amount associated with transfer of source to USER to be
paid by the USER to DEVELOPER. How much is this amount usually (i mean the
delta), since it's the source that will get transferred. if the DEVELOPER
retains IPR, what about the changes to the code that the USER makes. Who
keeps IPR for that. I am assuming that USER is explictly then forbidden to
sell this source to anyone else and is to be used only by the USER for it's
implementation's use.

Also, how does one restrict the EDI Implementing company (VAR), whom the
USER would be engaging to make changes to the source code, from misusing the
source, since the LICENSE AGREEMENT is between the DEVELOPER and the USER

Thanks and regards,


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