The predominant usages of the TA1 segment are for ISA control number reconciliation and reporting back envelope (Interchange and Group) failures.  This is because the 997 functional acknowledgement does not echo back Interchange control numbers and cannot be used to report envelope errors.


The biggest users of this functionality are the Healthcare Insurance companies, in particular sites processing Medicare EDI.  Although any large organization tracking Interchange control numbers requires this functionality.


Dan Kazzaz

PaperFree Systems, Inc.



-----Original Message-----
From: Pat Markey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2000 7:01 PM
Subject: Using X12 TA1



    Does anyone have a feeling for how many companies use the X12 TA1 interchange level acknowledgment? Who typically uses it and when? When one is received what does one usually do with it?


Thanks for your help,




Patricia Markey, Ph.D.
HICOR (USA) Corporation
(520) 733-5720

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