Thank you for the information on the TA1.  I always wondered what caused

Pamela LLoyd

                -----Original Message-----
                From:   Boynton, Dennis
                Sent:   Wednesday, April 05, 2000 9:23 AM
                To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Subject:        Re: Using X12 TA1

                I saw a TA1 for the first time just last week.  It came in
from a new
                trading partner because we had ISA14 set to 1.  It appeared
to be generally
                useless to us, so we changed ISA14 to 0.

                Denny Boynton
                Interim EDI Manager
                M/A-COM, Inc.
                (978) 442-4329
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                > -----Original Message-----
                > From: Jim Divoky [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                > Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 11:39 AM
                > To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                > Subject:      Re: Using X12 TA1
                > We have a lot of experienced EDI people here.  Who has
ever seen anyone
                > ever
                > use the TA1?
                > I've probably been at 30-40 Fortune 500 sites over the
last five years and
                > I've never seen anyone use it.
                > Jim Divoky
                > EC Solutions
                > ----- Original Message -----
                > From: William J. Kammerer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                > To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                > Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 10:50 AM
                > Subject: Re: Using X12 TA1
                > > Patricia Markey, of HICOR (USA) Corporation, asks:
                > >
                > >    Does anyone have a feeling for how many companies use
the X12
                > >    TA1 interchange level acknowledgment? Who typically
uses it
                > >    and when? When one is received what does one usually
do with it?
                > >
                > > Poor, dear Pat.  She may as well be asking whether you
put the bridle on
                > > before the harness.  In this turbo-charged internet
e-conomy, we
                > > shouldn't really be worrying about the EDI flotsam of a
bygone era, with
                > > its cryptic codes and expensive VANs.
                > >
                > > I would no sooner own up to knowing anything about this
kind of EDI
                > > stuff than to question dialectic materialism, or to
admit belief in the
                > > Immaculate Conception, in Honneker's East Germany.  But
considering that
                > > FORESIGHT's TradeSite/XML B2B Commerce Server does
accommodate legacy
                > > EDI, I figured that I'd be able to find someone around
the office who
                > > would know what the heck Pat is talking about.  I asked
ol' Abe about
                > > the TA1. He sidled up, flashed his toothless grin, and
proceeded to tell
                > > me about the old days of EDI.
                > >
                > > Abe wasn't able to tell me exactly how many companies
use the TA1
                > > Interchange Acknowledgment segment;  I was expecting an
answer like
                > > "12498, give or take a few."  But he did say it wasn't
used much.  Abe
                > > said the TA1 is packaged within an ISA-IEA to
acknowledge to a trading
                > > partner that an interchange was received from him;  it
says nothing
                > > about the syntactical correctness of the interchange
(other than the ISA
                > > and IEA themselves) - merely that it was received. It's
not used that
                > > often because the 997 Functional Acknowledgment is
usually turned around
                > > quickly enough.  Besides, the 997 response obviously
implies the
                > > interchange containing the functional group being
acknowledged was
                > > received.
                > >
                > > Ol' Abe did take issue with Kelly Babcock's comment on
the TA1.  She
                > > said "the TA1 segment is most commonly used between VANs
at the mailbag
                > > level enveloping to help separate the mailbag enveloping
from the
                > > interchanges inside the mailbag."  Abe thinks she's
confusing the TA1
                > > with the ANSI X12 12.56 TA3 mailbag and Interchange
Delivery Notice
                > > segment, which is used by VANs to report on the status
of interchanges
                > > as they hop from VAN to VAN.
                > >
                > > To see how many companies require the TA1
acknowledgment, just look at
                > > their ISA Interchange headers: the TA1 is returned only
if the ISA14
                > > (D.E. I13)  Acknowledgment Requested indicator is 1.
This indicator is
                > > independent of, and has nothing to do with, whether 997s
are returned;
                > > use of 997s is usually up to a trading partner agreement
or convention.
                > > There are a few odd situations where the TA1 is the
mandated form of
                > > interchange acknowledgment, rather than relying on the
997 to deduce
                > > whether an interchange was received.
                > >
                > > William J. Kammerer
                > > FORESIGHT Corp.
                > > 4950 Blazer Memorial Pkwy.
                > > Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305
                > > (614) 791-1600
                > >
                > > Visit FORESIGHT Corp. at
                > > "Commerce for a New World"
                > >
                > >
                > > To signoff the EDI-L list,
                > > To subscribe,
                > > To contact the list owner:
                > > Archives at
                > >
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                > To subscribe,
                > To contact the list owner:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
                > Archives at

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