This sounds like the web-based XML generated PO that's supposed to help the
small vendor who doesn't want to sign up to pay a VAN for their services.
I'd like to know what's out there to automate this process as well. If the
list doesn't mind, please reply to the list instead of to Mr. Mattias only.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Mattias [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 9:16 AM
Subject: Retrieve files from Web Site Unattended?

I posted this in a couple of programming-related newsgroups, then realized I
should have tried here as well
(please excuse what may seem patronizing explanations for the EDI-savvy):

One of my clients just received a notice from one of their customers that
instead of  using "traditional" EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) to send
purchase orders, that customer is now going to require its vendors to log in
to a web site, enter an ID and a password, and click on a link to download a
file containing the orders.

While this is probably really cool for my client's customer, I just invested
a lot of time (and the client's money) in automating a daily retrieval and
processing of EDI documents from conventional VANs, and the whole idea of
automating the process was to let the orders get picked up each night,

Is anyone aware of any package software avaialble to automate the scenario

Names, phone numbers, web sites and yes, even direct e-mail from
(NON-CUSTOM) vendors of products will be  welcomed and appreciated.

Michael Mattias
Tal Systems
Racine WI USA

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