>> Us IT folks like to think that we drive B2B e-commerce, but the real
revolution in B2B e-commerce will occur when the business side realizes what
can really be done.

Thanks for your provocative message, Kevin.

Improved use of computers in business ... revolutions, if you will ... have
been "just around the corner" for 20 or 30 years now. B2B, distributed
processing (among trading partners), on-line, supply chains, portals,
object-oriented, XML ... these are the current concepts and tools for the
continuing advance. Two years from now that list will be different.

As IT professionals it is our duty to introduce and promote IT concepts. We
should promote concepts we feel will improve the business process to
management. Change, however, will be gradual in the business world "out
there." If you want to be on the leading edge, it seems to me you must
straddle the line between what is and what can be in B2B. Dream about what
can be and how it can be achieved, but also root your understanding in what
is true now. Then use all your persuasive powers, kept in perspective, to
keep the ball moving forward.

It is attractive to see us (IT) versus them (business people). After all,
they are ... business people. (Don't say anything more in public!) The truth
is that we must be team players to be effective. That starts by getting
really interested in the business and realizing that IT is one part of the

(And if you develop a great idea and want to start a dot.com, let me know!

Orin Rehorst

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Brunnock, Andy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Sunday, April 23, 2000 1:52 PM
Subject:        Re: IT Conspiracy

> Pssst...hey you....ya you... XML or not XML is not the issue that is going
> to revolutionize B2B e-commerce.  Us IT folks like to think that we drive
> B2B e-commerce, but the real revolution in B2B e-commerce will occur when
> the business side realizes what can really be done.  Let's face it, IT is
> only given marginal credit when they propose revolutionary "business"
> concepts to management.

Sigh. There is always someone to shatter the techie's dreams of fame.


 -----Original Message-----
Sent:   Friday, April 21, 2000 08:26
Subject:        IT Conspiracy

Pssst...hey you....ya you... XML or not XML is not the issue that is going
to revolutionize B2B e-commerce.  Us IT folks like to think that we drive
B2B e-commerce, but the real revolution in B2B e-commerce will occur when
the business side realizes what can really be done.  Let's face it, IT is
only given marginal credit when they propose revolutionary "business"
concepts to management.  As in the days when "TQM" was the buzz and everyone
was creating quality teams, when the "business" side really catches on to
the true meaning of e-Business you better hold on.  All of a sudden the
business will be flexing their muscles and holding their supply chains
accountable, and demanding real-time B2B e-commerce responses.  The
technology already exists, but the business side is not quite there yet.

We all know that  EDI "could" have been made for the masses, alas the
"higher" powers chose to keep it in the realm of the Gods.  So technology is
not what restrained B2B e-commerce.  It was a business philosophy, or lack
of it.  Once the "business side" in our companies realize the power
at their disposal, the ability to demand and hold trading partners
accountable for B2B e-commerce performance, then you will see a true

In summary, the technology already exists to evolve our companies into
powerful e-businesses.  It has been the lack of understanding, and thus
tentative commitments from our business folks that has so far prevented
revolutionary changes.

See you at the DISA conference!

|  Kevin Benedict
|  B2B E-Commerce Manager
|  micronpc.com
|  208-893-1738
|  "The Process is the Product"


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