Title: RE: Computerworld Article

That sounds like what your outfit, Kleinschmidt, does!   Has the VAN
been reinvented?  Or does Viacore just put a better spin on the same old

Yes and, well, Yes...

Couldn't price-protection have been implemented with the same back-end
reengineering [as required using RosettaNet], *BUT* with stinky old EDI,
namely with the 846 (inventory report), 832 (catalog), and 812 (debit
and credit memo)?

What is XML going to do for us in B2B connectivity that EDI wasn't doing
already?  Not only do you have to reengineer your processes (which you
always had to do all along to achieve the real benefits of EDI - no
surprise), but you still have to use a VAN??!!! Help me out here, Doug.
Am I missing something?

The _process_ is standardized, so once you meet the bar of the PIP, you can trade
with other partners who meet the bar without any work, just flip the switch!
:) (at least that's how its supposed to work)

You don't have:
a: "Well, we do 832 and 846, but not 812, we use 810 with a CR indicator"

b's management: "Well we're in a hurry, can't we just use the 810 for this partner instead of the 812?"

b:"Yeah, I guess we can make an exception for them, we'll just have to remember this particular difference in their process."

X12 came close but didn't get the cigar.  The messages were standardized, but the use of those
messages in processes was disparate. (feel free to disagree) Rosetta intends to standardize the processes, i.e. which messages are used in a process.

What I'm experiencing in ramping my X12 partners is "We don't have that X12 transaction, can you take a flat file?"  Well, yeah I can, but I don't want to.  I want one process to maintain that all of my trading relationships conform to.  This is the Holy Grail.

Anthony B

LIST RECIPIENTS: Please send me a message if you are out of the office - I REALLY need to know!


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