Title: RE: Computerworld Article

I'm a member of several lists, but this one beats to the punch all others by the level of nastiness!  Could we all be polite and respect each other??  Or is it that we cannot keep our arrogance and high salaries to ourselves?

As we all know there is place and application for every skill in this world.  Please be polite and respectful!

Alla Levkov
Pinkerton Security
tel.    818.380.8892

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Chris Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, May 16, 2000 10:56 AM
Subject:        Re: Computerworld Article

Quoted text is from <00b701bfbf4e$c290ff60$120101c1@williamk>, by
William J. Kammerer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>What is XML going to do for us in B2B connectivity that EDI wasn't doing
>already?  Not only do you have to reengineer your processes (which you
>always had to do all along to achieve the real benefits of EDI - no
>surprise), but you still have to use a VAN??!!! Help me out here, Doug.
>Am I missing something?

You are confusing content and functionality with 'spin'. This is a
technician's mindset, and explains why you spend time giving useful
advice and information in this list rather than producing management
level visionary statements at a salary at least an order of magnitude
greater than that you currently enjoy.

Chris  (tipping hat in direction of Ambrose Bierce)
Chris Johnson  +44 (0)20 8501 1490 (home)
EDIMatrix Ltd  +44 (0)20 8559 2454 (work)
               +44 (0)20 8559 2497 (fax)

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