Win says "I suppose a smiley (or two) in Chris's original post could
have saved the complaints. Too bad there are no emoticons for use in
text emails (or at least that I'm aware of) to express sarcasm or try to
be a devil's advocate."

Emoticons are unnecessary in the messages written by a skilled native
speaker.  Presumably, Chris Johnson is a skilled native speaker (and
writer) of English because he's....well...English!  :V:-|

Let's parse Chris' posting which started all this consternation:

   You are confusing content and functionality with 'spin'.
   This is a technician's mindset, and explains why you spend
   time giving useful advice and information in this list
   rather than producing management level visionary statements
   at a salary at least an order of magnitude greater than that
   you currently enjoy.

"Content and functionality" are usually considered "good" and "truthful"
according to Anglo-American analytical thinking. "Spin" is a synonym for
"lie" - *BAD*, or at best, aggressive marketing.  Both Chris and I are
well aware that I'm not confused, in this or any other issue, but the
device is necessary for setting up rest of the paragraph's ironic
message. :-[ -{9

Chris defines the seeking of the "truth" as a "technician's mindset,"
and by inference that I seek the truth.  It's irrelevant whether or not
seeking the truth is confined to the priesthood of technicians. He is
paying a compliment when he says I "spend time giving useful advice and
information in this list."  If I had no real useful information to
share, then he's suggesting I might have sought alternative employment
making up "spin" and talking about "paradigms" by "producing management
level visionary statements."  I probably could do that and still sleep
at nights assuming the pay really were "at least an order of magnitude
greater than that [I] currently enjoy." >:-Q -...

There was nothing offensive at all in Chris' message.   :-0WW

Win, you can find all sorts of neat emoticons at

William J. Kammerer
4950 Blazer Memorial Pkwy.
Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305
(614) 791-1600

Visit FORESIGHT Corp. at
"Commerce for a New World"

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