> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tzeweng Foong [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 16 June 2000 02:14
> Subject:      Re: Secure FTP using SSL
        [Alan Macro]  Tzeweng Foong wrote, among other things:

> There is also a new ftp client and server (cannot remember exactly
> what it is called, maybe sFTP ? ) that encrupts the user id and
> password (but not the session..) this would make it fairly safe
> to use PGP to encrypt the file.
        [Alan Macro]   I havn't seen the term "encrupt" before. I take it
that this refers to a method of gaining absolute security by ensuring that
absolutely no-one can read the data by both encrypting and corrupting it <G>

Kind Regards,

Alan Macro
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel: +44(0)20 8780 6859 Fax: +44(0)20 8780 6801
Hill Price Davison - http://www.hpd.co.uk
Producing software for the Invoice Factoring and Asset Based Finance

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