I have a customer who is requesting a 943 be sent to them as a projected
shipping document (this may include one purchase order or a consolidation of
purchase orders).  They would like to receive this document as a
confirmation to a purchase order made by an offsite buyer to replenish their
warehouse.  This does not fall under the scope of the 943 as I read it.  The
X12 standards state the scope as:

"The transaction set can be used by a depositor or an agent of the depositor
to advise the recipient that a transfer shipment has been made. This
transaction set provides a receiving location with detail information
concerning product being shipped to that location."

This document should be sent after the shipment has been made to inform the
warehouse of the intended arrival date as well as the item detail.  The
warehouse does not receive the purchase order or have knowledge an order has
been made without the 943.  I have been searching the X12 standards for a
document which will fit our needs and still follow the set standards.  I
need a document which will inform another party that an order has been
placed for them which will include the items ordered and the potential
delivery date.

I would greatly appreciate any ideas on this subject.

Thanks in advance.

Stacy Smith

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