Stacy Smith, of C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc., has "a customer who is
requesting a 943 be sent to them as a projected shipping document (this
may include one purchase order or a consolidation of purchase orders).
They would like to receive this document as a confirmation to a purchase
order made by an offsite buyer to replenish their warehouse."

But the 943 doesn't seem to fit the bill, according to Stacy, though I
don't know whether it's because a document is needed to confirm the
order (right after the order is made), or to confirm that a shipment is
on its way.

Dear Stacy:

My first career choice was to have been a psychiatrist.  Then I could
just sit in a fancy office all day and parrot back whatever my patients
told me and collect $200 an hour all the while.  Those plans were
thwarted for various reasons, so I ended up at FORESIGHT instead.  But
the skills needed in psychiatry come in handy here - I'll just repeat
back what you say and *analyze this*.

So, you say you want a document to serve "as a confirmation to a
purchase order."  And you "have been searching the X12 standards for a
document which will fit our needs and still follow the set standards."
Your conformity shows a deep-seated need to please a parent (that's a
standard answer - hand over $200, please).

But let's work with that.  A desire for a PO confirmation is nothing but
a deeply repressed need for a PO Acknowledgement - an 855, in other
words.  The 855 isn't merely a response to a customer's PO - it can also
be a reverse PO, a notification of a vendor generated order.

But I detect conflict, a wrestling with your inner demons: you later
told me "[t]he document should be sent after the shipment has been made
to inform the warehouse of the intended arrival date as well as the item
detail."  Well, what is it?  There's a difference between an
acknowledgement of an order and the announcement of its impending
arrival - possibly a large time lag.

Ahh - Let's *analyze this* - "shipment" ...."inform".  What do these
words mean? Voilą - you've solved your own problem - just use the 856
Shipment Advice!  As a matter of fact, UCS/WINS has done away with the
943 as of 004010UCS, preferring the favored child - the 856 - instead.

Your time's up. Please send in Mr. 943 on your way out.

William J. Kammerer
4950 Blazer Memorial Pkwy.
Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305
+1 614 791-1600

Visit FORESIGHT Corp. at
"Commerce for a New World"

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