
We use the 943 in a very similar situation.  Our customer sends us a
forecast of material they think they will need.  We build to the forecast
and then send the material to a warehouse close to the customer.  We use the
943 to alert the warehouse that goods are coming their way.

As you can see, we do use it as a warehouse replenishment document, and it
works fine.  A difference from your scenario is that we send it at delivery
time, rather than response to a PO.  It sounds like you need a shipping
document replacement for an 855.  The 943 data requirements are fairly
simple, and I can send you an EDI Implementation Guide if that would help.

Denny Boynton
Interim EDI Manager
M/A-COM, Inc
978 442 4329

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stacy Smith [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 1:00 PM
> Subject:      943 Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advice alternatives
> I have a customer who is requesting a 943 be sent to them as a projected
> shipping document (this may include one purchase order or a consolidation
> of
> purchase orders).  They would like to receive this document as a
> confirmation to a purchase order made by an offsite buyer to replenish
> their
> warehouse.  This does not fall under the scope of the 943 as I read it.
> The
> X12 standards state the scope as:
> "The transaction set can be used by a depositor or an agent of the
> depositor
> to advise the recipient that a transfer shipment has been made. This
> transaction set provides a receiving location with detail information
> concerning product being shipped to that location."
> This document should be sent after the shipment has been made to inform
> the
> warehouse of the intended arrival date as well as the item detail.  The
> warehouse does not receive the purchase order or have knowledge an order
> has
> been made without the 943.  I have been searching the X12 standards for a
> document which will fit our needs and still follow the set standards.  I
> need a document which will inform another party that an order has been
> placed for them which will include the items ordered and the potential
> delivery date.
> I would greatly appreciate any ideas on this subject.
> Thanks in advance.
> Stacy Smith
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