Title: A little off subject but


I have a problem well more like a series of problems that I am not sure I can handle. I am not an EDI expert by any means (heck I am not a programmer) but when I took on the job I have now EDI was not part of my responsibilities nor did I ever say or imply I had any expertise in EDI. I am a sys admin plus help desk plus hardware repair person for a small company. AS you can gather I was put in a place where I needed to learn by the shear fact there was no one else. So on to the problem the company I am working for is being acquired by another company they are an even bigger company than we are infact about twice our size, but they have even less expertise with IT than my present company. I know nothing about this new company except rumor and bits and pieces of things that people have heard from other people. I am given to understand they use a Unix system 10 years old and has not been updated (I have admin'ed a few SCO systems in my day but in the past but my current tool set is five years out of date on Unix based systems) We on the other hand use a MS Windows NT/Novell system based network and Harbinger's TrustedLink/STX windows product which seems to me to be a very good product for our application. Well how can I put this it seems that I have been asked to be the lead on integrating our systems. I have no information and I do have some ideas on where to start but can any one on this list provide some sort of EDI parameter check list. I figure I will be looking for a different job in a short bit because of the way this new company does their IT I get the impression its all out-sourced and besides their based in New Jersey and I am a California boy myself. But I do not want to leave my friends at my present job with a set of bad decisions on my part which will cause them problems. I have more fear than I think I need to but any help with check lists or ideas about areas or items I do not want to overlook. I would appreciate any experience or insights the list may have.

Brad Burns

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