        As I read Ron's original question, I believe he is not asking for the
maximum X12 or EDIFACT element length for representing a BOL or Trailer
Number.  He is asking for INDUSTRY standards, unfortunately I can not
answer the question.

This is a similar dilemma that I recently ran into where a person was
telling his company that the "Global Standard Product ID" field length was
35 (or what ever is in the EDI standard) because that was the maximum
element length for product ID in EDIFACT.  It took me a full half hour
explaining the whole UCC.EAN trade identification system (the industry
standard applicable to their industry sectors) to his management to get it
straighten out!  There is a difference between transport standards and
content standards.

Ron, I would suggest starting with the ATA (American Trucking Association)
in VA or Doug Anderson may know the answer off the top of his head!

Best Regards,

Jim Sykes
Solution Partner Relations
1009 Lenox Dr. Suite 115
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Tel: 609.620.4653
Fax: 609.620.4601

***** Original Message *****

>>> Ron  Cleghorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/31/00 09:27AM >>>
Does anyone know if there are any industry standards for the length of the
Bill of Lading and Trailer number fields?  We are working on creating a
corporate standard for the Advanced Ship Notice.
Ron Cleghorn
EDI Analyst
Pep Boys

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