I can sympathize with you here Mary.  I feel that I spent enough on Windows
3.1 and Office 95 when they came out but I did have to pay an upgrade fee
when I wanted to use software that only ran on Windows 95.  I could have
saved my money and just kept going with 3.1 but there were enhancements in
Windows 95 that I liked and software I needed that ran on 95 so I upgraded
(but boy did I wait a while before doing so).  The same can be said for many
software titles that I have purchased and have had to upgrade at a cost and
in many cases there were maintenance pieces included in them.  Did I like
this?  No.  In fact what Microsoft did is even less drastic than what we are
doing.  I HAD to purchase the upgraded software in order to use newly
developed software by other vendors.  In our case you will simply not be
able to receive support.   I believe that the enhancements found in
e-Version 5 provide a solid value proposition in and of themselves.

Just like in other software companies, nobody is forced to migrate to
e-Version 5.  In order to continue support however there was a strategic
decision (one in which I of course was not a party to) made by the company
that given the changes of the new version we could no longer afford to
support the older versions since in many cases there are some fundamental
differences in the old Trusted Link software and e-Version 5.  You are
however credited for your previous purchase of Trusted Link.  Software
companies sunset products all the time because of business conditions.  The
decision was made to sunset the old versions of Trusted Link and as a
salesperson I am bound by that decision.  This does not mean you cannot USE
the software anymore however.  Quite the contrary, you can still use it but
you will not be able to call technical support for issues on the old
software.  In addition as a result of many complaints we HAVE listened to
our customer base and taken some actions such as providing customers with
reduced maintenance for next year.  In fact many of the benefits of
e-Version 5 will contribute to a lower TCO of the software so while there is
an upfront fee associated with migration to e-V5 most customers will be able
to realize smaller VAN charges via our IP based VAN.

I realize that little (if anything) in this email will help quell your
disgust with the situation but unfortunately that is the way things are.  My
only advice is to speak with your sales rep and see what you can work out
with them.  Other than that you can continue with the product unsupported
(and quite frankly if support has been that bad then you have nothing to
lose on this front).

Matt Park
Account Executive
Peregrine's E-Business Connectivity Group
Fax: (404) 467-3365
Phone: (800) 555-2989 ext. 3365

Legal Note: The above message reflects my personal opinion and does not
necessarily reflect the opinion of Peregrine, Inc. or its employees.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mary Scanlan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 4:07 PM
> Subject:      [Fwd: In response to Kayla]
> SOOOO.... since there are several of us feeling rather negatively about
> the
> Harbinger forcing us into upgrading or losing support - ADDRESS this
> issue.
> December is nearing quickly and I for one am leaning towards purchasing
> another
> product before putting any further $$ into the Harbinger/Peregrine
> pockets.  I
> feel my company PAID enough for the TLE product and should not have to
> purchase
> another product every time your company feels the need to line it's
> pockets.
> I'm NOT posting under a phantom e-mail.
> Matt Park wrote:
> > Myself (and many other sales reps, managers etc) have been listening to
> all
> > the discussion back and forth between our users and former users and we
> have
> > been taking the appropriate actions internally to address the issues
> brought
> > up.  One of the main reasons I (and I would presume others) have not
> > responded to the group as a whole is that I have been a member of many
> many
> > lists in the past and I like to see an open discussion on both sides
> without
> > sales/marketing fluff.  Typically when a salesperson comes on and tries
> to
> > defend or promote their product they are immediately told that this is
> not a
> > proper forum for that type of activity and I agree.  I am in sales and
> this
> > is NOT a sales list.  It is a discussion list and therefore it is for
> > discussing the merits (and demerits) of various products between end
> users.
> > I am not here to shamelessly market my product, or tell you that my
> product
> > is the best thing since sliced bread and how our competition has many of
> the
> > same problems or various and sundry other problems, but rather to
> address
> > issues with my own customers who might not want to mention their
> problems
> > directly to me so that I can better service them and contact them
> offline
> > and off list.  It is also a great way to see how our products are being
> used
> > in the marketplace and what our competition is doing in order to improve
> our
> > own product.
> >
> > Bottom line is that I did not feel it was proper for me to address the
> list
> > as a whole given my position in the company since, as I have already
> > mentioned, this is not a sales list but a discussion list.  However rest
> > assured that we ARE listening and we ARE taking actions where
> appropriate.
> > Other than stating that I can't really comment on specific cases that I
> am
> > not involved in.  I do take this list very seriously and attempt to
> rectify
> > any problems and escalate issues properly within our organization.
> >
> > On a side note I have noticed that quite a few of the negative comments
> have
> > been coming from phantom email adresses such as yahoo and hotmail.  Who
> > knows who these people are?  I cannot respond effectively to someone who
> > hides behind a secondary/hidden email address in order to bash my
> product
> > without specific details about their particular situation.  If any of
> you
> > with those sorts of addresses would like to discuss particular issues
> > offline I wouldn't mind taking the time to at least direct you to the
> right
> > person if I am not your rep.
> >
> > Finally, I am not here to get into a huge argument with anyone so my
> > responses will likely be limited at best.  I just felt it was time for
> > someone from the Sales force to give you some sort of a response.
> Thanks
> > for your time.
> >
> > Matt Park
> > Account Executive
> > Peregrine's E-Business Connectivity Group
> > Fax: (404) 467-3365
> > Phone: (800) 555-2989 ext. 3365
> > www.peregrine.com
> >
> > Legal Note: The above message reflects my personal opinion and does not
> > necessarily reflect the opinion of Peregrine, Inc. or its employees.
> >
> > =======================================================================
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