Title: RE: EDI on Unix
(Hi Frank)
My curiosity is also aroused regarding your comment that Sterling's Gentran:Server is less flexible than Harbinger's TLE.  Are you referring to the mapper portion, the *server* side, or the product in general?  The scripts and daemons used by Gentran:Server for UNIX are written with the UNIX scripting language.  For a resourceful technician who can write UNIX scripts, the limit of flexibility is controlled by the limit of the technician's ability to write good code.  Period.
Supporting my comment is the low number of messages in this list service regarding any negative feedback from etches who know the software package, and also understand the *weaker* areas, inherent in any software package on the market (not just within EDI).
Lee LoFrisco
Sterling Commerce Service Partner Consultant
Cell: 410.963.6218
-----Original Message-----
From: Electronic Data Interchange Issues [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Napoli, Frank
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: EDI on Unix


I'm curious since I have no experience with TLE, in what ways do you find GENTRAN less flexible than TLE?

Rgrds....Frank Napoli, FDC

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve X Lee SL [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: EDI on Unix

        Having been on both the UNIX and NT versions the UNIX version of TLE is more
stable.  Even though others and I have our gripes of TLE.  I've been on other
translators also.  TLE is very robust and customizable which is good and bad
good being flexible bad being complex.  If you are vendor side this really
becomes important when you need 'special' solutions for customers.  If you are
customer side Sterling Gentran which is less flexible, but more stable may be
worth a look.  These are really two sides of the same coin, the only way to
have you cake and eat it too is to take TLE and allow for ALOT of startup time
and adopt strong change control and testing practices.  The initial process
will be gruesome, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.



Hello Everyone.

We are currently "shopping" for new EDI software.  We are running an RS6000
with the AIX flavor of UNIX and UniVerse on top of  that to run our business
apps.  We are currently using Harbinger's Trusted Link for Windows for EDI
and it is TOTALLY unsatisfactory.  We are in the wholesale distribution
environment - heavily involved with retailers.

If anyone has found a good EDI accompaniment to an RS6000 with AIX, I'd
appreciate hearing what you are using.


Kathy Thomsen
MIS Director
Mundi/Westport Corporation
331 Changebridge Road
Pine Brook, NJ  07058
973.575.0110 x243
973.575.8197 (fax)

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