In message <04da01c0486e$867f3560$d66e5f82@immcmcginle>, Mark Dixon
>There is an oddity in the ISA:  The sub-element separator is specified as
>0xAD, that is a minus sign with the high-order bit on.
>1. Why would this be?  Perhaps I can answer my own question there: my guess
>is that the output is from an IBM mainframe and this the result of a wierd
>EBCDIC to ASCII conversion.
>2. Is it valid?  Ie. should I try to insist that they change it?
>3. Any suggestions on what I should do about it?  (In this case it is
>probably me that will have to adapt, not the trading partner because they
>are very big and my organisation is very small).

I would be interested to know why the use of a Hi-ASCII character should
cause you a problem. I would have expected your converter to handle it
in the same manner irrespective of the actual character used.


Chris Johnson  tel: +44 (0)20 8 501 1490 (home)
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