Hi Ann,

At Reebok, we upgraded to eV5 this past fall. We took about 6 weeks to
accomplish the upgrade. We have had no major problems to this point. There were
a few bugs that we ran into while testing. Mainly fixes that were sent to us
under versions 4.1.4 & 4.2 that were not carried forward. We received the fixes
for eV5 within a day or so for the most part. Our approach was to set up a test
system that was a mirror of Production and basically run in parrallel from the
start. We had a Harbinger representitive come onsite for the first week and help
us set up the test system, maily doing the preupgrade checklist that they
provide. Then we set up a process to copy our files from the prod system to the
test system so that we could run the same data thru the maps and be able to
compare the files from both systems. When it was time to upgrade production we
brought in another TLE rep for 3 days. The first 2 days was to get the checklist
validated again from the production side then we upgraded the system on a
Saturday. The Sat. process only took about 3 hours. From our standpoint it was
very painless. I would say it was the most successfull upgrade that I have been
involved in.

Hope this helps and if you want to talk more about it feel free to email me or
give me a call. 781-401-5176.

(message posted to EDI-L by Kirk Kenneway for Andy Anderson)
Andy Anderson
Global EDI Manager
Reebok Int LTD
> -----Original Message-----
> From:   Llanas, Ann [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:   Wednesday, March 07, 2001 6:40 AM
> Subject:     Peregrine feedback
> I know back in October there was a lot of flurry about Peregrine and what
> they forced their customers into.  Now that people have had the time to
> actually get the product and do the migration, what are your thoughts
> about it?  How did the migration go?  How long did it take?  Did you
> experience a lot of problems?  How was/is support?  Any information you
> can give me would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ann Llanas
> Jockey International
> 262-653-3470

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