In version 4010, Walmart started to send store address information in the 850.  If the order was an SDQ order - which it usually was - the header of the order contained all the address info for all the stores referenced on the PO.  Moving this information to the 816 makes sense, because there is no reason to transmit the address on each order.  If you get an initial load, and then add-change-delete information on the stores, that should be sufficient to keep your legacy system files up to date.

Heather Bryant wrote:

Please post responses to the EDI List - I will be doing 816 testing with Wal-Mart in about a month and would appreciate any advanced warning / help.Thanks,Heather Bryant
-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Sislan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 10:42 AM
Subject: WalMart 816 vs. 4030
Our company is going to start the testing for the 816 vs. 4030.  Has anyone done this yet? How does the 816 interact with other documents?  Walmart refers to REQUEST CARDS for pulling data through EDI.  I am not sure what this means. Can anyone help. Linda Sislan440-975-4300 x.142

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Brian Lehrhoff ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
EDI Consultant
eB2B Commerce
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