Linda & EDI List,
We have successfully pulled the 816 version 4030 document from the seperate mailbox.  To get US stores use GLNFX and Canadian Stores use GLNFXCA.  The document itself is pretty straightforward, the problem our clients our going to have is build some sort of Store X-reference to point a NEW 13 digit GLN number to their existing 4 digit store # (We stripped off the preceding Duns# in 4010).  From what I understand once you test from the seperate mailbox, Walmart will then begin to send new store changes/additions to your regular mailbox.  I was told at one point that Walmart was going to send the ENTIRE 816-store listing everytime, if anybody has heard differently, please let me know.  Good luck.
Matt Sperr
EDI Coordinator
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 9:41 AM
Subject: WalMart 816 vs. 4030

Our company is going to start the testing for the 816 vs. 4030.  Has anyone done this yet?
How does the 816 interact with other documents?  Walmart refers to REQUEST CARDS for pulling data through EDI.  I am not sure what this means.
Can anyone help.
Linda Sislan
440-975-4300 x.142

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