Robin writes:
>What is the proper way to number/renumber Segment Groups in EDIFACT?
>I have attached a document showing some examples where I want to add
additional NAD segments.
>Can someone advise which one is correct?

your original NAD (segment group 2) is taking care of all 3 example
scenarios. i don't think you need to "add" new NAD groups to achieve what
you wish to. I do not think that you are adding additional NAD groups
because you need more than 99 instances of them.

Also, I see that NAD groups that you are adding one after another (assuming
you are proposing a new message or wish to use the message as proprietary
one) are "Optional/Conditional" with loop instance more than one. This will
confuse the translator on what NAD segment is intended (see use of LS/LE
(X12) or UNX/UNY (EDIFACT) segements). You will have to introduce a bounded
loop or introduce a mandatory segment in between the NADs or use once
instance of the mandatory NAD in tandem (different ways to achieve the same
thing) but I do not see any need of any of these from your example.

Do you wish to only "decorate" (not "add") the exisisting NAD group to
semantically convey different things in an Implementation Guide? This is
likely since you do not change position number of NAD, CTA and COM in all
three examples. I guess then it depends on how well you document your guide
and example-one looks better to me since you are maintiaing the original
segment group numbers, so at least you are not conveying that you are
"adding" anything new.

Hope this helps.


Ajay K Sanghi
Managing Director

ABO Software Private Limited
B102 Gulmohar Park, New Delhi 110049
Tel: +91 11 6968976, 6512822 Fax: 6518873

-----Original Message-----
From: Electronic Data Interchange Issues
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Huber, Robin B
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 3:37 AM
Subject: EDIFACT Question

What is the proper way to number/renumber Segment Groups in EDIFACT?  I have
attached a document showing some examples where I want to add additional NAD
segments.  Can someone advise which one is correct?


Robin B. Huber
Global Electronic Commerce/EDI Specialist
Boeing Commercial Airplane Group
Phone: (425) 237-6413, Mail Stop: 6C-FH
Fax: (425) 237-8510

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