On 2/21/2017 9:50 PM, Gao, Liming wrote:

   Could you introduce what change will be done for build improvement? I am 
also interested in this topic.

The first change I'd make is to set 'buildthreads' in BuildBIOS to %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% - that by itself reduces the build time from around 7 minutes to 2.5 on my system. I also have some changes to the ReadMe.MD file to convert it to be a MD file instead of plain text, which massively increases readability on GitHub. I've also been wondering about allowing more parameters to be passed through to 'build' such as reducing the verbosity to make compiler warnings more apparent. Finally, and this is likely more controversial - I've been wondering if the build scripts like BuildBIOS should be in python instead of Windows .cmd/.bat since python is already used elsewhere and is more flexible.

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