On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Brian J. Johnson <bjohn...@sgi.com> wrote:
> On 06/03/2015 08:53 PM, Jordan Justen wrote:
>> Yet another idea that I've considered is trying to leverage git
>> subtree. My idea was that the unified EDK II would remain the main
>> upstream.
>> I would setup an automated process to split each package off using git
>> subtree, and push the separate repos.
>> I never got the time to investigate if git subtree could work as
>> required, but this text from the help page seems promising:
>> "
>>    split
>>      Extract a new, synthetic project history from the history of the
>>      <prefix> subtree. The new history includes only the commits
>>      (including merges) that affected <prefix>, and each of those
>>      commits now has the contents of <prefix> at the root of the
>>      project instead of in a subdirectory. Thus, the newly created
>>      history is suitable for export as a separate git repository.
> I experimented with git subtree a couple years ago for managing a
> project composed of multiple sub-projects.  I'm trying to remember what
> I thought about it....  It works, but it tends to produce a confusing
> git log, IIRC.  And if you're going to push to the subtrees, you should
> be careful to limit each commit to files in a single (sub)tree.  That
> requires developer discipline, or a good pre-commit hook.
> But for extracting packages into separate read-only repos, it should be
> perfect.  Note that in that mode, it's very similar (or completely
> equivalent?) to "git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter".
> --
>                                                 Brian J. Johnson

If git subtree can be used to create and maintain read-only "modules" based
on the single master git repo, this sounds like a good solution.  This keeps
the single git repo as the master, and avoids the complications of commits
that cross module boundaries in the sub-module case.  If git subtree can support
this usage model,  would read-only git subtrees for the modules meet
the requirements
for those who want to use "modules" individually?  Note that only the upstream
subtree repos are read-only, various other groups could still have
internal read/write
repos cloned from those, it's just that changes pushed upstream would need to go
through the master git tree.
If this is a generally acceptable plan, then I guess a next step is to
verify that
git subtree works as desired.


> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>    My statements are my own, are not authorized by SGI, and do not
>    necessarily represent SGI’s positions.
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