in most large institutions ... the notion of performance based pay is a 
myth ... since it is easy to document clear differences in performance for 
faculty in different Colleges .. where pay is lopsided in favor of a 
favored college (like business) even when productivity (however you define 
it) goes in favor of the faculty member in the NON favored college

there are huge college to college internal differences in salary ... having 
absolutely zip ... zero ... zilch to do with performance differences of any 

in fact ... the largest single factor that "explains" variance in salaries 
... along with rank ... is college location (ie, what college you happen to 
be in)

i also think that in most large institutions ... we have two broad classes 
of faculty ... these is a small group of those we might call "stars" ... 
that nobel laureate jim mentioned ... or others who have by any imaginable 
criterion ... have "shone" in the discipline ... nationally and 

(maybe in the MIT case ... there are 1/2 of these stars that happen to be 
males ... i don't know)

and, these are peppered throughout the institution ... across ALL the 
colleges and disciplines ... and a star in one college should earn about 
the same as a star in another college ... i can't see any real 
justification for not doing that

then you have the rest of us ... general .. hard working faculty ... sure, 
lots of variation still ... but, within a rank ... and with about the same 
years IN that rank ... i don't see much to argue for compensating these 
folks too much differently ... as long as their jobs are roughly the same 
.... they teach ... they advise ... they do some research ... they serve on 
university committees ... so on and so forth. their movement UP through the 
ranks ... passing over all those hurdles ... justifies in my book ... 
salaries being approximately the same for the same status of tenure, rank, 
and years in rank

to start doing regression analysis and splitting salary hairs this way 
seems so out of touch with the noise in this system ... as to be rather 
comical ...

i do NOT object to stars being paid a whole lot more than regular folks ...
i DO object to there being vastly different salaries for regular folks just 
because one works in college A ... and another on works in college B

for faculty morale ... and a sense of worth ... and for faculty to give it 
their best shot to help the institution (ie, be loyal) ... there needs to 
be some sort of approximate equity ... in compensation ...

at penn state, and this is probably true in most other large schools ... 
the administration really cares little about huge gaps in salary ACROSS 
disciplines or academic colleges ... and does essentially  NOTHING ever to 
try to make compensation more equitable for us regular folk

but, when they go to the legislature ... they opine about the need for more 
salary dollars ... to keep faculty from running away ... or to be able to 
attract faculty ... but this is really for certain disciplines ... NOT to 
try to make salaries more equitable across the board

personally, it matters not much to me if penn state is more down the list 
(in average salaries) compared to illinois ... or michigan ... though i 
know that the administration worries about that

what i do worry about is trying to compensate in a much fairer way and 
equitable way ... those faculty who actually work HERE ... (and i would say 
that about illinois ... or michigan too)  

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