
On 22 Apr 2001, Donald Burrill wrote:
> If I were doing it, I'd begin with a "full model" (or "augmented model", 
> in Judd & McClelland's terms) containing three predictors:
>       y  =  b0 + b1*X + b2*A + b3*(AX) + error
>  where A had been recoded to (0,1) and (AX) = A*X.    [1]

A number of sources (e.g., Aiken & West's Multiple regression:
testing and interpreting interactions) would recommend centering
X first (i.e., subtracting out its mean to produce deviation
scores).  You might also consider whether dummy coding (0,1), as
recommended by Donald, would be best or perhaps effect coding
(-1, 1).

Best wishes

James M. Clark                          (204) 786-9757
Department of Psychology                (204) 774-4134 Fax
University of Winnipeg                  4L05D
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3B 2E9             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CANADA                                  http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/~clark

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