Now let me jump on Andy!

On Thu, 23 Mar 2000 17:51:04 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andy Gilpin)
 < snip, problem; comment >
>   Still, it seems to me that, other things equal, (a) measuring data
> costs a researcher something, and (b) there are clear diminishing
> returns in terms of increased power.  Consider the following estimated
> sample sizes for an independent-groups t-test with 2-tailed alpha=.05
> and a moderate effect size (in Cohen's terms) of d=.5.  Incidentally,
> values were generated using g*power
> Step        Power         Total sample size 
>    2              0.8000            128.0000
>    9              0.9749            248.0000
>   10              0.9999            518.0000
> Below the lowest power level indicated, the relationship between N and
> power is approximately linear, but N accelerates precipitously above
> about power of .9 (visually).

Oh, Andy, this is such a naive *scaling*  conclusion.  How can you
regard "power" as a metric that ought to be equal-interval?  By my way
of thinking, extra power gets cheaper and cheaper, as the magnitude of
N increases.  In your table, I am looking at successive doublings of
N, and Odds and Odds-ratios for power:

The power at .80, in terms of an "Odds", 
is 0,80/0.20 or 4:1,  with N=128; 
it is 39:1 when the N is doubled,  to  N=248;
it is 9999:1 if N is doubled again,  to  N=518.

The first doubling corresponds to an Odds ratio, for your increase in
power, of 10:1, which might seem sizable, but the second doubling
provides an OR of 250:1.  That is *one*  way to say that I disagree.

>                                           So once you have a sample size of about
> 180 (90 per sample), the ground gained by dumping in more cases really
> decreases rapidly.  Sure, the more cases, the more power, but you
> could easily double or triple the N (and perhaps your costs of
> administration) without increasing power very appreciably.
> It may still be worth it, in terms of the nature of the conceptual
> implications of Type II errors.  But it does seem to make sense to ask
> the question.

The ground gained by quadrupling the number of cases is always,
basically for a t-test, the reduction of the width of the Confidence
Interval by half.

Do you  want a smaller CI?  Do you need a smaller CI?  

"Barely not-overlapping zero" is what you have for the usual rejection
of the null hypothesis in psychology.  That's not too bad with tiny N,
because it works out neatly:  the 5% rejection when d=1.0, implying
"d>0.0"  may be equivent to a 15% test (say) that "d>0.5".   But to
set up a CI > 0.5  with a large sample is going to assume that there
is a *huge*  power for detecting  an effect that is merely  " > 0.0"

TO put it another way, you can't assume that the only goal is to
detect an effect as being non-zero.  In fact, I think it is pretty
useless to cite 95% CI's as an "effect" when the test is barely at 5%;
the range is just LARGE.


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