On 25 May 2000 22:00:08 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David A. Heiser)

 < snip, some detail >
 ''Also floating around in the responses to Dennis's request 
was Fisher's discussion of correlation in his book "Statistical
Methods for Research Workers", and his use of a table of heights of
fathers and daughters on page 180 to introduce the concept of
correlation. The data was from K. Pearson and A. Lee, "Inheritance of
Physical Characters" in Biometrika, 1903, 357 I think this was the
first issue). Fisher introduces the bivariate normal distribution and
calculates a correlation coefficient of +0.5157 for the data (which
includes Sheppard's correction for grouped data).''

Stigler's book, "The History of Statistics", credits Yule with
performing and describing the first regression with good recognition
of what the parts meant - 1897 and 1899.  And Yule recognized that the
data did not need to be bivariate Normal.


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