On Tue, 12 Sep 2000 22:47:46 -0000, "Jennifer Howser"

> What are the differences between Statistics and Econometric?
> Thanks

"Statistics" could be the general term than includes a number of
narrower specialties.  The specialties are apt to publish in different
journals, and often use different vocabularies for describing common
tests -- the basic sorts of data that they refer back to are apt to

One broad area is biostatistics.  I don't know if "biometrics" is a
proper subset, or if it overlaps.  The tag "-metrics" has been added
to quite a few terms, as in cliometrics (study of history with an
emphasis on validating by quantification, such as, the logistics of
feeding a city or hosting an army -- if it wasn't logically possible,
then it probably did not happen with that many people).

Most of Economics is concerned with numerical relations; I am not sure
how "econometrics" fits as its sub-set.

Economics has enormously long time-series (daily, if you want), of
related variables.  By its name, "econometrics" should be especially
concerned with issues of "measurement."   I guess that means that you
leave out the political side of economics, unless you can measure it.

I would be interested in seeing other descriptions or definitions.
Does an encyclopedia of statistics include definitions?


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