
It is easy to verify that if Y is exponential with mean t then Y/t is  is
exponential with mean 1.
Also, the sum of n exponentials with parameter 1 has the distribution
Gamma(n,1). Most texts on probability and statistics  (Feller Vol II, Mood
and Graybill) are references. It is a consequence of the fact that Gamma
(1,b) is the exponential density with parameter b and the convolution of
Gamma (r,b) and Gamma (s,b) is Gamma (r+s,b).

Ellen Hertz

Arun Nagarkatti wrote:

> I am looking through notes for confidence interval for the exponential
> mean.
> I have been given that:
> Suppose Y_1,...,Y_n ~ Exp(t^(-1)) independently.  Then for each of the
> Y_i:
> f(y_i|t) = t^(-1) exp(-y_i/t).
> We are then finding the maximum likelihood estimator ^t^, and with
> various calculations (including logarithmic differentiation) we arrive
> at the sample mean:
> _
> y (y-bar) = ^t^.
> Now it is this part I don't understand:
> The sampling distribution of ^t^ (t-hat) is obtained as follows:
> Since Y_i ~ Exp(t^(-1))
> Y_i/t ~ Exp(1) ==> Sum Y_i/t ~ Gamma(n,1), or:
> n ^t^
> ----- ~ Gamma(n,1).
>   t
> I just can't seem to follow the logic here.  Can someone explain to me
> what is going on?
> Thanks,
> Neeraj.

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