Hello Newsgroup,
I'm searching for real good books on stats. I'm a student of psychology and
we've been taught very much stats. But I read all the time your postings and
wonder why I've never heard about that what I read. So what I'm searching
for is e.g. a profound heuristic, which model or technique is to be used on
a specific question of a research or evaluation problem. How important are
the assumptions of those techniques. Every time I read articles, there are
used techniques like multiple regression without any hint of data
examination, prove of assumptions etc. Often there are used equation models
with only N=20, factor analysis with only a two-to-one ratio of observations
and variables or with dichotomous variables factor analyzed etc. Or there
are used techniques which I don't even know. I don't know much about time
series, biostatistics, neural networks or mathematical system theory. After
three and a half years of stats lessons I'm more and more confused and
insecure. Esp. when I'm thinking about my diploma thesis or thinking of
working as a "scientist practitioner" psychologist I don't know how to use
my knowledge or build up an applied oriented knowledge base. Maybe some of
you can help me with this?
Hopefully and with much regards
yours Dennis

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