On Fri, 17 Aug 2001 13:28:21 -0400, Paige Miller

> Elliot Cramer wrote:
> > 
[ snip, question ]
> > 
> > The test of parallelism in mancova is an equivalent test

I can believe someone would call it that, but I can believe other
tests would be called that, too.  You state this is, in reference 
to what test (what computer program, or what textbook)?

> I'd like to ask a follow-up question then. MANCOVA uses least squares as
> its objective function to estimate relationships, while canonical
> correlation uses a different objective function. They don't seem
> equivalent to me, so 
[ break ]

MANOVA is a canonical correlation problem.  MANCOVA, so far
as I imagine it, is another canonical correlation problem.  You might
be taking steps in a particular order, but you are still solving 
to find the eigenvalues of an asymmetric matrix -- at least, 
most of the time.  

Is this "all the time"?  - it probably depends on your universe
of problems.   The two-group comparison described in this 
thread  was an  eigen-problem.

> my question is: is there some math that I'm not
> aware of that shows these two are equivalent? If so, could you provide a
> reference?


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