Jerry Dallal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in >I *do* >allow one sheet of notes (both sides) for each exam. They're >cumulative. At any exam, students may bring the sheets for all >previous exams plus a new one for the current exam. > >Students report learning as much if not more from preparing what >they call "cheat sheets" (I refer to them as "reference notes") than >from any other class activity.
This is very good to hear. I've always taken it on faith that that's the case, but haven't actually tested that assumption. (Note to self: ask my own students at the end of the course.) We call them "crib sheets". -- Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Cortland County, New York, USA My reply address is correct as is. The courtesy of providing a correct reply address is more important to me than time spent deleting spam. ================================================================= Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at =================================================================