You are clearly looking for an introductory text;
otherwise your question would have been more
specific. Since one of your groups is a math group,
I conclude, rightly or wrongly, that you desire a
mathematical treatment. You must be studying alone,
or you would not need advice from the internet. You
may be a mathematical genius, but the odds are that you
are not. I therefore recommend,

_Probability and Statistics_

By Morris DeGroot

It's a fine introductory text with underlying math, that is
reasonably easy to read without instruction. It's not the
most elegant treatment, nor is it the most intense. It is,
however, a very good leg up IMHO.

Luck and Regards,
-Larry Curcio

Chia C Chong wrote:

> Hi!
> I wish to get a book in Probability and statistical inference . I wish to
> get some advices first..Any good suggestion??
> Cheers,

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