[ snip, previous problem]
> This is similar to a problem I have come across: the measurement of a
> serum value against exposure.
> My theory is that they are correlated.  But the data says that they
> have an R^2 of 0.02 even though the  p-value for the beta is p=1E-40 
> (ie. zero).
> As you explain this is possible.  My reasoning is that the exposure is
> happening  many hours before the measurement of serum and so that is

You should take note that R^2  is *not*  a very good measure
of 'effect size.'  It only works when you are repeating something
familiar.  You have seen so-much before, and you may be 
happy to see as much again;  but it does not tell you as much 
as knowing that there is a 4-fold Odds Ratio for a factor -- 
which is the usual measure when you have a rare dichotomy, or
something that can be conveniently described that way.

[ snip ]
>                               .  R^2 is very useful though, for example if
> you want to know in the american population what is the highest source
> of fat, you would use R^2 on the food frequencies, not the beta
> coefficient.. because the R^2 would tell you the food that most
> predicts, rather than the "strength" of the effect of the food..  ie.
> low fat foods may be main source of fat in diet..
> -just thinking outloud hehe..

Well, maybe R^2  is useful.  But you need to know how it is anchored.
Do you have continuous variables? - I thought you had dichotomies,
where the Odds Ratio is rule, when you have small rates.
A 'coefficient of determination'  or R-squared of  0.18
reflects *at least*   a 4-fold increase in Odds Ratio when 
the 4 cells are all around 50% -- For that 0.18,  the
OR  is  higher, if the margins are less balanced.

And also.
The R-squared is going to describe the sample-on-hand:  
If you sample with too-narrow variation, you
get  R-squared that is too-small.  Similarly, for large.   
The beta describes co-variation in another way; the raw beta
(not the standardized)  is usually what is more interesting,
if you really have a large enough N   that the actual coefficients
are interesting (mine usually are not).


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