I thought Calvin loved Hobbes.

You're probably right about your being more mainstream in mathematics.  As I make clear in my blog, I'm not even a math PhD wannabee, whereas I *am* actively seeking to credential in American literature, as one of the chief architects of the emerging Slayer mythology (Buffy, Serenity,... Ultimate Collection).

In other words, Fuller School business is leading me more in the direction of science fiction, with mathematics a layer over that (they teach Synergetics in Narnia, didn't ya know).  Python, both the logo and the language, becomes a part of the armour plating (IronPython -- even better).  The Evil Empire is a thralldom of cube and server farms.  We want to help free the drones to experience more tourism and nonviolent adventure.



----- Original Message -----
From: kirby urner < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, January 23, 2006 10:19 pm
Subject: Re: [Edu-sig] Pre-announcement announcement
> So *many* user groups partially overlap in Python.  Your group and
> mine, for
> example, whatever that means. I haven't read much Klein yet (nor met
> Calvin).  Love his bottle.

Calvin's a swell fellow. Love's horses.  Gotta love a guy who loves horses.

I forget why.

>From my perspective you are more mainstream when it comes to your view of the role
of technology, and I am more mainstream when it comes to my view of mathematics.

Together we could rule the mainstream world.



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