You can check-out Sololearn  - they are oriented towards smartphones (app
or web)
Also have py course

Ps: why not Blocks?

2019-08-05, pr 19:41, kirby urner <> rašė:

> What are the major sticking points with Jupyter on a mobile device?
> Seems like the Github Jupyter rendering engine sends out CSS @media
> queries to detect client format, and if your device below a specific size,
> the sever sends you raw JSON instead (the notebook sans rendering).
> With any art comes the media it uses.  That all media should be accessible
> through a smartphone is not a realistic goal, so then the question becomes
> one of priorities.  Tablets are more of a twilight zone.
> I found this post on using Jupyter on an Android:
> I'd rather see that students are provided with alternative larger format
> devices, but maybe that sounds too revolutionary by today's standards. We
> used to call it One Laptop per Child.
> Kirby
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