linuxgirlie wrote:
Not sure if anyone is interested but the latest version of Karoshi ( <>) is now available. The latest version support Kubuntu, but does not of yet support the Gnome interface, so though Ubuntu works, you will need KDE.

If anyone has any features or thoughts and feelings just email me.


Whats the deal with this Karoshi stuff? You e-mailed this before to list and at least I don't see any noticeable improvement regarding the website. Most of the explanations about Karoshi don't make sense at all. I guess its some package (with its own services and all) you just install on top of a distribution but thats just a guess.

The development page is NOT AUTHORIZED. :p Great for an open-source project.

Most services are renamed to things like Xen, Hal, Orac with a bad description of what they do, makes me wonder which services it originally were.

Anyway it radiates LOW Quality.



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