G'day Mike,
I am running 2.2rc1 in a VMWare server machine, with Asterisk on my local
I have one SIP account that works (for playing with really as I only have a
128k net connection).
I originally had it set to port forward SIP UDP 5060 and RTP 10000 to 20000
to my asterisk server.
This worked (as well as it can here)

As I wanted to use the traffic shaping to give the RTP traffic highest
priority, but couldn't define a range of ports for the traffic shaper I
decided to try the SIP proxy instead, in the hope that it may give the
traffic a higher priority. (It didn't)
So then I turned off the port forwarding and turned on the sip proxy with:

Status: Transparent
Sip Port: 5060
RTP Port Low: 10000 RTP Port High: 20000
Outbound Proxy host: is blank, Port: is blank

Autosave registrations checked
Log Calls checked
Firewall logs outgoing connections checked

I get nothing in the sip proxy logs in the gui. I haven't had a look at the
actual files though.

I get some firewall logs of accepted connections from my asterisk server to
the SIP provider. These are UDP ports in the range of 10000 to 20000
(probably a smaller range than that, but they do fall in the range I have
set for RTP traffic)

I have seen that efw sends directly SIP registration packets to my SIP
provider, and the system still works, so I am assuming that SIP proxy is

I haven't really looked hard into the whole system as it is still not a
release version and it seemed to work OK for what I want to do.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Knisely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <efw-user@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Efw-user] Endian 2.2rc1 and SIP

Does anyone contribute to this list or just complaint about release dates?

I'd love to troubleshoot this issue... perhaps even help get it resolved in
the eminent release 2.2rc2.

As I see it, the issue did not exist in 1.8.  I skipped 2.1.x because of
issues with port forwarding and AV updating, so I can not comment on if the
issue is in that release.

I'm seeing nothing in the SIP proxy logs... so I'm thinking that the issue
may be there somewhere; though, the issue persists even when the proxy is

I find it difficult to believe that I am the only person needing to run a
SIP device behind Endian.  Can anyone else chime in on this with some
experience or a perspective?

M Knisely

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Mike  Knisely
Sent: Wed 7/2/2008 08:32
To: efw-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Efw-user] Endian 2.2rc1 and SIP

I am using a VoIP service that does not support BYOD.  I have been using
this service for a while with Endian 1.8 w/out issue; however, once I moved
to 2.2rc1 I am unable to get audio into my SIP device.  Audio out works

I've attempted port forwarding the ports used for the RTP stream, SIP ports,
etc.  No luck.

I have also attempted to do a 1:1 NAT and it still does not function

I enabled the SIP proxy with no change.  I ran siproxyd from the command
line to see if I could get some debug output.  I edited the
/etc/siproxyd.conf file to trigger some messages.  I was unable to get any
debug output.

Does anyone else have any suggestions regarding this?  Anyone else
experiencing this issue?  I'm at a loss.

M. Knisely


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