Hi all,

I'm using JAVA API on ES 1.0.1 to bulk index medium sized docs.
Documents come from 150Mb XML.
Average JSON document is about 500Bytes in 10 propeties, currently testing 
on 275.000 documents. Only some key properties are indexed, otherwise 
stored in _source.
Bulk index is done in 5000 document blocks.

While contiguously indexing, the speed of indexing slows linearly down, at 
approx 100.000th item it took 5 times longer then at first chunk.
But when I close TrasnportClient after each successful bulk index, the 
performance remains the same and indexing is breathlessly excellent.

What causes such a problem? Is it correct to close TransportClient 
connection each time bulk indexing is done?
Seems okay, index is ready and functional.

1GB given to Java, bootstrap.mlockall: true, ES_HEAP_SIZE = ES_MIN_MEM 
Windows 8, i7, 8GB RAM, SSD disk.

Thanks in advance


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