
I'm still testing ES at a very small scale (1 node on a multipurpose server), 
but I would like to extend it's use at work as a backend for logstash. It means 
that the LS+ES cluster would have to eat few GB of data every day, up to 15 or 
20GB later if things go well. 
I'm doing all this as a side project: no investment apart from work hours. I 
will recycle blades and storage we plan to decommission from our virtualization 
So I'm likely to end with 2 or 3 dual-xeon blades, but no real internal storage 
(an SD-card), and a LUN on a SAN.

How does ES behave is shared storage condition? What are the best practices 
about nodes/shards/replicas/...?
Intended audience is Operation team, so less than 10 persons. So no big search 
concurrency but probably mostly "deep" search and ill-designed queries :)


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