On 30 avr. 2014, at 19:34, Mohit Anchlia wrote:

> I'll try and answer as much I know:
> ES shouldn't have any issues working with SAN, NFS or EBS. Yes each node need 
> its own unique file path, they don't share files from other nodes.


>  Replicas in this only make sense if you are solving for a VM or a node 
> failure per se. Or it also makes sense if you have SAN storage coming from a 
> different array.


> I don't follow your last question.

My english is limited, sorry. As far as I understand ES, some shard balancing 
occurs in the background, when some are created or deleted, others will move 
from node to node so the number of shards is even between nodes. When storage 
is isolated for each node, moving a shard to another node requires the file to 
go through the node CPU/RAM, then network, then CPU/RAM of remote node, then 
storage. It would be very nice in a shared-storage scenario that the shard 
would not be moved through fs-cpu-ram-network-cpu-ram-fs but through a simple 
rename-and-tell action.
Does it make sense?

> On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 10:04 AM, Patrick Proniewski 
> <elasticsea...@patpro.net> wrote:
> Well, then maybe my questions were not precise enough.
> My first goal was to make sure ES does work sharing a unique storage for all 
> nodes.
> My second gaol was to learn if each node requires to have its dedicated file 
> tree, or if you can put every files together as if there's only one ES node.
> Does-it make sense to have replicas when eventually filesystem IOs are shared?
> Does moving a shard from a node to another makes data passing through the 
> CPU, or is ES smart enough to just pass the pointer to the file?

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