
I do agree with Paul, 200%.
I've received in my mailbox at least 49 spams just for the 06/30. I won't call 
this "a few spam email". I'm subscribed for years on many mailing lists, and 
I'm pretty sure that it would take years to get as much spam on those lists as 
I get in 1 day on ES mailing list.

On 2 juil. 2014, at 08:18, Paul Brown <p...@mult.ifario.us> wrote:

> Hi, Clinton --
> May I suggest:
> - Some users (e.g., me) who read this list via an email subscription regard
> ANY spam on the list as an unacceptable state of affairs.  This is not a
> problem with Apache lists, for example, so I would point the finger of
> blame at Google Groups.
> - Having N longstanding members who are willing to help ban spammers is
> equivalent to having N longstanding members who are willing to quickly
> admit new users.  (And you're welcome to add me as N+1.)
> - Banning is ineffective.  Spammers will continuously sign up with new
> accounts.
> -- Paul
> --
> p...@mult.ifario.us | Multifarious, Inc. | http://mult.ifario.us/
> On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 11:36 AM, Clinton Gormley <
> clinton.gorm...@elasticsearch.com> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> Recently we've had a few spam emails that have made it through Google's
>> filters, and there have been a calls for us to change to a
>> moderate-first-post policy. I am reluctant to adopt this policy for the
>> following reasons:
>> We get about 30 new users every day from all over the world, many of whom
>> are early in their learning phase and are quite stuck - they need help as
>> soon as possible. Fortunately this list is very active and helpful. In
>> contrast, we've only ever banned 34 users from the list for spamming.  So
>> making new users wait for timezones to swing their way feels like a heavy
>> handed solution to a small problem. Yes, spammers are annoying but they are
>> a small minority on this list.
>> Instead, we have asked 10 of our long standing members to help us with
>> banning spammers.  This way we have Spam Guardians active around the globe,
>> who only need to do something if a spammer raises their ugly head above the
>> parapet. One or two spam emails may get through, but hopefully somebody
>> will leap into action and stop their activity before it becomes too
>> tiresome.
>> This isn't an exclusive list. If you would like to be on it, feel free to
>> email me.  Note: I expect you to be a long standing and currently active
>> member of this list to be included.
>> If this solution doesn't solve the problem, then we can reconsider
>> moderate-first-post, but we've managed to go 5 years without requiring it,
>> and I'd prefer to keep things as easy as possible for new users.
>> Clint

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