On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 10:54 AM, Mitch Kuchenberg <mi...@getambassador.com>

> Hey Nik, you'll have to forgive me if any of my answers don't make sense.
> I've only been familiar with Elasticsearch for about a week.
> 1.  Here's a template for my documents:
> https://gist.github.com/mkuchen/d71de53a80e078242af9
This is pretty useless to me. You'd need to show me a fully expanded
version in JSON.

> 2.  I interact with my search engine through django-haystack
> <http://django-haystack.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>.  A query may look
> like
> `SearchQuerySet().filter(document='mitch').order_by('created_at')[:100] --
> so essentially getting the first 100 documents that have `mitch` in them,
> ordered by the field `created_at`.
Its always best when talking about things like this to do it with curl
posting JSON because curl is our common language.

> 3.  Each node has 247.5MB of heap allocated judging by my hosting
> service's dashboard.
Sorry, what is the value of -Xmx parameter you used to run Elasticsearch.
The actual amount of of heap in use at a time isn't usually useful.

> 4.  The documents/fields take up roughly 30MB on disk.
These should be instant.

> 5.  Using Elasticsearch version 1.4.2 but could very easily upgrade.
Its cool.

> 6.  I'm hosting with found.no so I don't have access to a command line to
> run that unfortunately.
> 7.  I haven't found any options in found.no to disable swapping, so I
> would assume they have it off by default?  I could be wrong though.

I think you should take this up with found.no. Maybe try running
elasticsearch locally and comparing. In general 30mb of index should be
instantly searchable unless Elasticsearch is swapped out or the linux disk
cache is cold and the io subsystem is amazingly garbage. Or something else
weird like that.

The last question that I forgot to ask was what your mapping is.


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