I love my K2, but the 11x price comparison number vs the 7800 offered up in
a previous post is as unfair a comparison as I have seen in a long while.
If the only operating you ever do is QRP CW to a resonant antenna, then the
price comparison to a base K2 might be fair - for your operating tastes.
Then again this is not in any way Icom's targeted user, or they would not
have put 200W finals and a line cord on the rig.

In fact if you try to come anywhere close to the feature set offered by the
7800, using K2 components as much as possible, you can easily spend over
$5,000, and not be able to do it nearly as well as the 7800 from an
operational point of view.  Before you reply and tell me a fully stocked K2
is only $2,000, remember the 7800 has a completely separate 2nd receiver, a
band scope, and integrated data modes.

Please note that I am a K2 builder/owner and love it, and neither have a
7800 nor plan to buy one.  I just hate to see such an unjustified comparison
become "fact" by virtue of being unchallenged.  There are many things that
we can feel good about owning a K2 without going so far over the top.  Using
the same narrow analysis used to come up with the 11x price comparison of
the 7800 to the K2, I can prove the K2 is overpriced by a factor of 30X!
After all, I can build a tuna-tin for what, 20 bucks?  :) <- obligatory
smiley for the humor impaired.

Dale N9XD

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