Brian Mury wrote:

>I would also like to see a comparison between the horizontal and
>vertical antennas. I don't think the horizontal antenna would
>necessarily beat the vertical - it depends on a few variables, a couple
>big ones that come to mind being the height of the dipole and the
>vertical's counterpoise. 

Hi Brian,

HF verticals perform poorly without, as you mention above, a very good 
counterpoise or ground plane.  In temporary portable installations, that is 
generally very difficult to obtain.  But for a dipole, it's a non-issue 

I've never been able to get any vertical antenna (even a very expensive 
Australian-made dummy load) to perform within several s-units of a half-wave 
dipole that was up only about ten feet in side-by-side tests at a *temporary* 

The generalizations I make are simply based on what I've observed in several 
decades of tinkering with campsite antennas.  They apply only to practical 
portable installations, not to the more optimally configured fixed vertical 
situation where observed performance may more likely reflect the theory.

Mike / KK5F
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