Hi All,

I'm new to this list and Elecraft too - I've recently completed building a "loaded" KX1 #731.

After building and aligning the KX1 with zero problems, I connected it to both my 130+ ft "slinky dipole" strung-up in the attic of our single-level home (with RG8X) and also my Cushcraft MA5V vertical (10-12-15-17-20) up around 33 feet at the base (also with RG8X). I was pleasantly surprised to hear the receiver come alive with signals on all three bands. The built-in antenna tuner reports:

Slinky Dipole "CliffDweller II"
40m:  7055  - 2.1 Watts out, SWR 1.0
30m:  10107 - 1.8 Watts out, SWR 5.2 (relay chatter)
20m:  14065 - 3.0 Watts out, SWR 1.2

Cushcraft MA5V "Mini Vertical"
40m:  7055  - 2.1 Watts out, SWR 1.1
30m: 10107 - 4.3 Watts out, SWR 5.6 (relay chatter) (power out reading suspect)
20m:  14065 - 2.1 Watts out, SWR 1.0

Dummy Load (Oil-filled "Can-tenna")
40m:  7055  - 2.9 Watts out, SWR 1.0
30m:  10107 - 2.3 Watts out, SWR 1.0
20m:  14065 - 2.3 Watts out, SWR 1.0

(all using Lithium Batteries)

Any thoughts regarding why the tuner has such a problem on 30m?

Wow, what a great little rig! This is going to be fun. Elecraft is certainly a class act.

72 & 73

Doug N7BNT

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