Had a quick check with my K2 serial No.4168 for birdies:
All 80m frequencies quoted below 4000 nothing on any mode. I did have  moving 
interference with a poor tone on 3857 of S1 drifting HF + a  broadcast 
station on 3891 of S0. Appear to be external pickup despite having a  BNC 1/2W 
on the K2 antenna socket.
4000     Yes at S1
7000     Yes at S0
10170    Yes on CW at 10172.4 at S0
                        LSB  at 10172.5 at S0
                        USB  clear
14171    Yes on 14172 CW/LSB at S0
                        14167  USB at S0
14350    Yes on CW transit only 14351.19 to  14351.20
                        LSB  transit only 14351.38 to 14351.39
                        USB  transit only 14353.38 to 14353.39
14361    Yes on CW transit only 14361.19 to  14361.20
                        LSB  appears abruptly 14361.40 and disappears same. S7
                        USB  appears abruptly 14363.38 and disappears same. S7
18172    Yes on 18172.40 CW at S0
                        18172.50  LSB at S0
                        18167  USB at S0
28000    Yes on all modes at S0
28277    Yes on CW 28275.80 at S0
                        LSB  28277.70 at S0
                        USB  28275.60 at S0
29483    Yes on CW 29480 at S0
                        LSB  clear
                        USB  29481.40 at S0
All measurements were taken with the pre-amp on. Apart from the strong  
birdie at 14361 of S7 and the internal 4000kHz clock in the K2, all were very  
and failing to move the S meter.
I think if you scrutinise most radios for the amateur market you will find  
such slight imperfections somewhere, though I would suspect that the K2 is  a 
lot better than some. At the end of the day with all such items it is a  
trade-off between the cost the consumer is willing to  pay against perfection 
at any 
Bob, G3VVT
K2 #4168
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