Hi Bob,

There is a real birdie at about 7.000 MHz but it's very sharp and doesn't
The buzzing sounds might be due to a computer or a plasma TV. I've heard
that even a neighbor's plasma TV can cause a lot of noise.

To check your computer monitor (without turning off the power), tune in the
birdie and then change the screen on your computer to something with much
different content. If it's the monitor, the sound of the birdie will change.
To minimize the computer monitor noise, leave the screen as plain as
possible. A uniform background makes much less noise than a "busy" screen
that has a lot of signal transitions across the scan lines.

If that doesn't show anything, try turning off the computer and then
everything else in the house to try to locate the source.  Light dimmers and
loose wires in wall sockets or switches can be noise generators.

For really serious noise reduction, ferrite cores on the cables may be

73/Bob - W5BIG


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K2 Birdies

> Bob Wehking wrote:
> > I have been tuning my receiver & have determined that I have a few
birdies in the 40M band, but there are more in the 20M band that are a S9
level. Frequencies are 14.212.22, 14.217, 14.264.8614.315 that all sound
more like buzzing sound. Any ideas?
> >
> > Bob
> > WB8DDI
> > K2# 4998

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